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πŸ”ΉπŸ”· This page is an Information Profile πŸ”·πŸ”Ή

Information Profiles are created to provide important information about historical events in BC. Rylan does not have any control over the contents of the page. For more information, see Bloxay Answers.

Rylan Β  She/Her

Also known as Ecrin

Notable former BC Member

Joined 4 October 2022 β€’ Updated 17 April 2023

About Rylan

Rylan was a Staff Member for Bloxay's Community (AKA Bloxay's Kingdom) during 2021. She reportedly resigned in mid 2021 due to "not being motivated". In the following year in 2022, on the 17th of March she partook in an attack on the server whilst in the toxic cult-like digital-troll group "EMT" where she helped spam direct message Staff Members in the Bloxay's Community Discord server.

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